
How COVID-19 Affects Hiring & How To Help Yourself

With so many changes to our daily lives, it’s easy to lose track of all the differences in the world caused by the Coronavirus.

Especially when you have to manage the effects on your personal life, you might not be fully aware of how your professional life is being affected.

As a jobseeker, understanding how employers and recruiters are reshaping their approach is critical to keeping your job search going. Taking some time to check out our top three updates to hiring in the current landscape will help you keep your perspective in check, so you can keep a handle on your hiring prospects!

Travel Bans And Conference Cancellations

In an effort to match health and safety policies across the globe, employers are putting the kibosh on anything that encourages or requires traveling and congregating. This means that if you were planning to hit the road to tour some job fairs and trade expos, it’s time to cancel your plans as well.

From a networking standpoint, though, just because meetups can’t happen face-to-face doesn’t mean they can’t happen at all. In fact, some famous events are moving online, powered by video and even virtual reality platforms. Do your research and see if any of the events that would have benefited you are migrating to an online space.

Even if they are not, be aware that this avenue of job seeking is narrowing down, and employers are swapping out the daily commute with telecommuting and remote work options instead, for the same reasons.

Employers are making more of an emphasis on communication, in order to keep their teams and potential job applicants involved. Ensuring that information and conversations are managed seamlessly, and that holistic remote-work protocols are established, is important to keeping their business transparent for them and their workers. If you need to brush up on your communication skills, consider studying some professional communication courses online, and familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of the most common online platforms, such as Slack, GSuite, Skype, etc.

Professionals also need to ensure they stay known. Just because you can’t put in the face time, doesn’t mean you should be a stranger. Now’s a great time to pad your professional profiles, like LinkedIn. Get active with your social network, and participate in the conversation about your industry wherever possible.

How can you activate your social network today?

Some Companies Have Put A Freeze On Hiring, But Some Have Not

A common misconception is that due to the amount of workers either being laid off or given reduced/zero hours, there is no room for hiring new employees. Get that idea out of your head, before it’s too late!

Right now many positions are frozen in terms of hiring new personnel, but many companies are continuing with their hiring plans as usual! In fact, many new positions are desperately needing to be filled as a result of the shift in the economy and job market.

Remote workers, manufacturers, warehouse workers, hospice workers, and front-line essential staff are some of the positions you can see opening up more and more. If you are in need of a job, consider switching to one of these types of employment; it will help you keep your momentum and, who knows, maybe it will open up a whole new career path for you!

Employers are also well aware that top talent is being returned to the pool of job seekers right now, as restructuring and closing of other businesses is putting professionals out of their jobs. As such, companies that can afford to invest in the right type of team are headhunting for the type of people they wished they could poach before.

As a professional, you can’t afford to let any opportunity pass you by. Make sure your resume and references are up to date, and have any personal business cards or portfolio work ready to share with any recruiter who might want to explore a working relationship.

What ‘essential’ jobs could you apply for?

Interviews Are Moving From On-Site To Online

It should come as no surprise with the rate that large meetups are being cancelled, that even one-on-one meetings are being cancelled too.

If you’ve never done an online application, or a phone or video interview, now is the time to familiarize yourself! Online recruitment has long been a trend, but now it’s the norm.

Interviewing and applying online is not only your inroad to a new position, it’s also the first step in proving that you can work with that employer remotely, should it be required. Looking like you’re right at home (figuratively) on a video call not only allows you to interview, it can help improve your prospects.

As such, you should be signing up for and testing out any potential interview platform in advance. Knowing the common ones, such as Skype, WebEx, Zoom, etc., is great, but be sure to install and familiarize yourself with anything new that a recruiter asks to use, well in advance of your meetings.

Be sure that for video interviews, you find a quiet space free of distractions or interruptions, that is well-lit and clean/organized. And read up on other video interview tips on how you can own your online interview!

Employers are also potentially turning to these platforms for the first time. With that being the case, be sure to extend your patience and stay as flexible as possible. Ask about back-up plans in case one piece of technology fails, and do your best to meet with them on their terms.

Are you ready to rock an online recruitment?


Things certainly aren’t business as usual, but they’re not all bad either. When you take into account that many employers are doing their best to work around issues and protect their companies and their employees, you can see that many options are still available for job seekers who are willing to work with them on building new solutions.

Keep connected, and keep moving forward, and you can keep the negative effects of COVID-19 from affecting your job search!

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